Clinicians with a few years of professional
experience who want to boost their knowledge and
expertise in implant dentistry with an online certificate.

• Principles of bone healing and knowledge of relevant anatomic structures related to implant surgery.
• Clinical and radiographic diagnostics and knowledge of tools (analogue and digital)
of implant case planning.
• Surgical techniques and different types of implant systems.
• Restorative and prosthetic concepts with dental implants and potential pit falls.
• Principles and concepts of tissue preservation.
• Prevention, diagnosis and therapy of peri-implant
infection & maintenance regimes.
Members rate 950€
• 23 hours of education
• 6 modules
• every 4/5 weeks
• with online exams
• each module are divided
into 4 to 6 sessions of 50 min
• All the modules translated in 10 languages
- Bone physiology
- Diagnosis/Indication
- Implantation: healed site
- Implant restoration
- Ridge preservation
- Supportive peri-implant
- care diagnosis,
- prevention and management of complications
Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

100% online
• Access content anytime, anywhere
• The EAO platform with educational videos, assessment and literature is available for you.
Gil Alcoforado
Ricardo Alves
Eduardo Cárdenas
Ana Carrillo de Albornoz
Vincent Fehmer
Lukas Fürhauser
Rudolf Fürhauser
Robert Haas
Ronald Jung
Georg Mailath Pokorny Jr.
Georg Mailath Pokorny
Eduardo Montero Solis
Joao Pitta
Sebastian Pohl
Irena Sailer
Ignacio Sanz Sánchez
Andy Temmerman
Wim Teughels


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Discover the full programme
Leuven University, Belgium

Module 1 | Understanding Bone Physiology
4 Online courses
Andy Temmerman, Wim Teughels
1) Introduction and History of Implant Dentistry. Osseointegration and bone biology
2) Histological differences between teeth and implants
3) Anatomy related to implant surgery. Part 1
4) Anatomy related to implant surgery. Part 2
Module learning objectives
• Understand the biology of bone healing after tooth extraction and its influence on the alveolar process.
• Understand the phenomenon of osseointegration and the influence of surface topography,
implant design and osteotomy site preparation.
• Achieve knowledge on biological important differences between teeth and oral implants on a
macroscopic, microscopic and histological level; its influence on surgical procedures.
. Review important anatomical features in the field of oral surgery in general and implant dentistry
in particular.
. Link anatomical knowledge to various surgical procedures
Academy for Oral Implantology, Vienna, Austria

Module 2 | Diagnosis / Indication
4 Online courses
Robert Haas, Lukas Fürhauser, Georg Mailath Pokorny, Georg Mailath Pokorny Jr., Sebastian Pohl, Rudolf Fürhauser
1) Diagnosis and treatment planning. Part 1
2) Diagnosis and treatment planning. Part 2
3) Radiology. Interpretation of 2D and 3D – images. Part 1
4) Radiology. Interpretation of 2D and 3D – images; part 2
Module learning objectives
• Pre-operative diagnosis and interpretation of prosthetic and radiologic findings is critical for long term implant success. After finishing this block you will:
– know which kind of clinical diagnosis is appropriate for the individual patient’s situation.
– get to know key-points for treatment planing in order to get optimal aesthetic results.
– know fundamentals in radiology.
– be able to read 2D and 3D X-rays correctly thus avoiding misinterpretations.
University Egas Moniz, Portugal

Module 3 | Implantation: healed site
6 Online courses
Gil Alcoforado, Ricardo Alves
1) Implant surgical fundamentals
2) Incision design
3) Implant placement
4) Implant exposure techniques
5) Suturing techniques
6) Implant systems & Implant macro and microgeometry
Module learning objectives
• Understand the different types of implants (bone and tissue level), connections (external hex, internal
hex and cone morse), macro and microgeometry;
• Surgical instruments;
• Pre and post operative care;
• Incisions and flap design according to local anatomical characteristics;
• Basic rules for correct 3D implant placement;
• Surgical protocol for implant placement according to implant type and bone density;
• Selection of materials and types of sutures in implantology;
• Second stage surgery – enhancing soft tissue quality and quantity.
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Module 4 | Implant restoration (prosthetics)
6 Online courses
Irena Sailer, Vincent Fehmer, Joao Pitta
1) Implant restorative techniques (analogue) including impression techniques
2) Lab processing
3) Placement of the crown and restoration materials, occlusion concepts
4) Screw retained vs. cemented
Module learning objectives
• Learn how to select the best type of restoration and material for the respective patient situation
• Learn about the new CAD/CAM materials, their indications and limitations
• Learn how to apply the digital workflow for the restoration of single and multiple implants
• Introduce the titanium-base concept for daily practice
• Discuss screw-retained vs cemented implant restorations, single and multiple-unit
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Module 5 | Ridge preservation
4 Online courses
Ronald Jung
1) Soft tissue considerations
2) Atraumatic tooth extraction and socket healing (spontaneous)
3) Ridge preservation
4) Materials and technics for ridge preservation
Module learning objectives
• Understand the possibility and limitations for Alveolar ridge preservation
• Learn to make the right decision in each individual clinical situation.
• Be able to choose the right materials for the alveolar ridge presentation.
• Understand when to use an autogenous graft and when to use an artificial soft tissue
University Complutense, Madrid, Spain

Module 6 | Supportive peri-implant care. Diagnosis, prevention and management of complications.
4 Online courses
Eduardo Cárdenas, Ana Carrillo de Albornoz, Eduardo Montero Solis, Ignacio Sanz Sánchez
1) Peri-implant diseases: Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis and Prevention
2) Treatment of peri-implant mucositis and periimplantitis. Part 1
3) Treatment of peri-implant mucositis and periimplantitis. Part 2
4) Prevention and management of prosthetic complications
Module learning objectives
Dental implants may experience biological and/or technical complications.
The objective of this module will be to elucidate how peri-implant diseases should be diagnosed and
how to treat them once stablished. Moreover, the management of mechanical complications will be
Special attention will be placed to understand which preventive strategies should be implemented in
other to maintain peri-implant health and to assure the integrity of the implant reconstruction
First certificate in implant dentistry
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Starting in January 2025

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Full membership (+joining fee 53€)256€
Over 65 membership56€
Student membership56€
Young professional membership156€
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Meet the experts

Gil Alcoforado (Portugal)
is Dean at the Egas Moniz University (Instituto Univer-sitário Egas Moniz), Caparica, Portugal and Full Professor of Periodontology. He has published in refereed journals on different themes going from Periodontology to implant Rehabilitation.

Ricardo Alves (Portugal)
is the head of Periodontology Department at Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz (Portugal). He is a specialist in Periodontology with exclusive practice in Periodontology and Implant rehabilitation.

Eduardo Cárdenas Parra (Portugal)
Degree in Dentistry by Universidad Javeriana, (Bogotá, Colombia); Master in Bucofacial Prosthodontics by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. UCM. (Spain);

Ana Carrillo de Albornoz (Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio; PhD by the University Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”;

Vincent Fehmer (Switzerland)
Vincent Fehmer received his dental technical education
and degree in Stuttgart, Germany in 2002. From 2002 to
2003 he preformed fellowships in Great Britan and the US
in Oral Design certified dental technical laboratories.

Lukas Fürhauser (Austria)
is partner of the Academy of oral Implantology Vienna and has a private practice in Purkersdorf. He is specialized in prosthodontics and digital dentistry and he is doing his PhD in this field of interest.

Rudolf Fürhauser (Austria)
is the medical director of the Academy of oral Implantology, Vienna and has a private practice in Purkersdorf. He was assistent professor at the prosthodontic department of the Dental School of Vienna is specialized in implant prosthodontics.

Robert Haas (Austria)
owns a privat practice in Stockerau and Vienna / Austria and is founding member of the Academy of Implantology Vienna. He made his PhD at the Dental University of Vienna in 1998 and in 2010 he was awarded the title”University Professor” by the Austrian Ministry of Science.

Ronald Jung (Switzerland)
is trained in prosthodontics, implant therapy and oral surgery. He is the Chairman and Clinic Director of the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, at the Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

Georg Mailath-Pokorny (Austria)
is a Vienna-based specialist in general dentistry in the
complementary field oral and maxillofacial surgery. He
owns a private practice and is co-founder of the Academy
of oral Implantology in Vienna.

Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr (Austria)
Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. works at the Academy of Oral
Implantology with focus on oral surgery and implantology.
He is Head of operation and organization of the
“Study Club 4 Students”.

Eduardo Montero Solis (Spain)
Degree in Dentistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Master of Science in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (UCM);

Joao Pitta (Switzerland)
Lecturer and responsible of undergraduate fixed prosthodontics
education and supervisor of postgraduate students
at Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials
of University of Geneva.

Sebastian Pohl (Austria)
Graduated 2008 at the University of Vienna. In 2013 he specialized in dentistry and 2015 as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the General Hospital Vienna.

Irena Sailer (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. med. dent., Chair
Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the
University of Geneva.
Honorary Skou Professor
University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.
Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

Ignacio Sanz Sanchez (Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master in dental sciences by the UCM. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) by the UCM. Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”.

Andy Temmerman (Belgium)
is asscociate professor at the KUL. He teaches head & neck
anatomy in the undergraduate dentistrycurriculum and
various topics in the postgraduate Periodontology curriculum.

Wim Teughels (Belgium)
is full professor at the KUL and head of the research group for Periodontology and Oral Microbiology. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy.
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Gil Alcoforado (Portugal)
is Dean at the Egas Moniz University (Instituto Univer-sitário Egas Moniz), Caparica, Portugal and Full Professor of Periodontology. He has published in refereed journals on different themes going from Periodontology to implant Rehabilitation. He has done more than 200 conferences in more than 19 different countries. He has more than 40 years of experience in areas which have focused mainly on Periodon- tal and Implant Surgery.

Ricardo Alves (Portugal)
is the head of Periodontology Department at Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz (Portugal). He is a specialist in Periodontology with exclusive practice in Periodontology and Implant rehabilitation. He is the head of Clinical Research Unit of Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz and author of several publications in peer-re- viewed journals. Professor of the postgraduate programs in periodontology and implantology at Egas Moniz.

Eduardo Cárdenas Parra (Portugal)
Degree in Dentistry by Universidad Javeriana, (Bogotá, Colombia); Master in Bucofacial Prosthodontics by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. UCM. (Spain); Master in Dental Sciences by UCM; Professor of Restorative Den- tistry and Prosthodontics at Master of New Technology based Restora- tive Dentistry at UCM.

Ana Carrillo de Albornoz(Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio; PhD by the University Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”; Associated Professor of Periodontics in the UCM; Coordinator of the postgraduate program in periodon- tology (UCM), private practice in periodontology.

Vincent Fehmer (Switzerland)
Vincent Fehmer received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany in 2002. From 2002 to 2003 he preformed fellowships in Great Britan and the US in Oral Design certified dental technical laboratories. From 2003 to 2009 he worked at an Oral Design certified laboratory in Berlin, Germany – The Dental Manufaktur Mehrhof. In 2009 he received the degree as a MDT in Germany. From 2009 to 2014 he was the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2015 he is dental Technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prothodontics and Biomate- rials in Geneva, Switzerland and runs his own laboratory in Lausanne Switzerland. MDT Fehmer is a Fellow of the International Team for Implanto- logy, an Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), and a member of the Oral Design group, the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, DGÄZ). He is active as speaker on a national and international Level. Mr. Fehmer has received honors like the KENNETH RUDD AWARD from the American Prosthodontic Society. He has published more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals within the field of fixed prothodontics and digital dental techno- logy, contributed to book chapters and co-authored the book „Fixed Restorations“. Also he serves as Editor in Chief of the QDT Yearbook, as Editor in Chief for the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and is a Section Editor for the International Journal of Prosthodontics.

Lukas Fürhauser (Austria)
is partner of the Academy of oral Implantology Vienna and has a private practice in Purkersdorf. He is specialized in prosthodontics and digital dentistry and he is doing his PhD in this field of interest. He has won in 2016 the price of the best poster presentation at the EAO Congress in Paris. In 2017 in Madrid and 2020 he has won the price for the best clinical video at the EAO Congresses. He is a speaker at many national and international congresses and training courses and since 2020 he is director of the ITI Studyclub Vienna.

Rudolf Fürhauser (Austria)
is the medical director of the Academy of oral Implantology, Vienna and has a private practice in Purkersdorf. He was assistent professor at the prosthodontic department of the Dental School of Vienna is specialized in implant prostho- dontics. He is a well known speaker at many national and internatio- nal congresses and training courses. He has published several scientific articles in international journals and medi- cal books, among them „ Evaluation of soft tissue around single-tooth implant crowns: the Pink Esthetic Score” in 2005.

Robert Haas (Austria)
owns a privat practice in Stockerau and Vienna / Austria and is founding member of the Academy of Implantology Vienna. He made his PhD at the Dental University of Vienna in 1998 and in 2010 he was awarded the title”University Professor” by the Austrian Ministry of Science. Robert Haas is a cofounding member of the Austrian Society of Implantology and past vice president and past president. Since 2019 he is board member of the EAO and Chair of the Congress Committee and member of the Scientific board of the Sigmund Freud University Vienna. Furthermore he serves in the review board of JOMI, COIR, J Periodontol and OMFS.Robert Haas is a well known speaker at many national and international congresses and training courses. He has publi- shed more that 90 scientific articles in international journals and medical books.

Ronald Jung (Switzerland)
is trained in prosthodontics, implant therapy and oral surgery. He is the Chairman and Clinic Director of the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, at the Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland. In 2011 he received his PhD doctorate degree of the University of Amsterdam, ACTA dental school, The Netherlands. In 2013 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, USA. He is an accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and researcher, best known for his work in the field of hard and soft tissue management and his research on new technologies in implant dentistry. He is currently President Elect of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), Past President of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry and member of the Board of Direc- tors of the Osteology Foundation.

Georg Mailath-Pokorny (Austria)
is a Vienna-based specialist in general dentistry in the complementary field oral and maxillofacial surgery. He owns a private practice and is co-founder of the Academy of oral Implantology in Vienna. Mailath-Pokorny is a former board- member of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO) and a past president of the Austrian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology and also author and co-author of more than 100 national and international publications in the field of oral surgery. Furthermore he is a lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna with a main focus on dental implants.

Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr (Austria)
Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. works at the Academy of Oral Implantology with focus on oral surgery and implantology. He is Head of operation and organization of the “Study Club 4 Students”. Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. is a specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery and serves as a lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. In 2019 he won the clinical video Competition of the EAO Congress Lisboa Georg Mailath Pokorny jr. is Board Member of the “Next Generation“ of the Austrian Association of Implantology, he is a speaker at many national and international congresses and training courses.

Eduardo Montero Solis
Degree in Dentistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Master of Science in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (UCM); Certificate of Completion of Specialised Training (CCST) in Periodontology by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP); PhD with International Mention (UCM) and Extraordinary Prize of doctorate; Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics in Health Sciences and Master in Research Methodology, University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB); Associate Professor of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry (UCM).

Joao Pitta (Switzerland)
Lecturer and responsible of undergraduate fixed prosthodontics education and supervisor of postgraduate students at Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials of University of Geneva. Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry (Swiss Society Reconstructive Dentistry) and in Prosthodon- tics (European Prosthodontic Association. Master of Advanced studies and Doctorate from University of Geneva. Dental degree from University of Lisbon. Member of EAO Junior Committee. Author of numerous publications in international peer-reviewed journals in the fields of fixed prosthodontics, implant dentistry and digital technologies.

Sebastian Pohl (Austria)
Ggraduated 2008 at the University of Vienna. In 2013 he specialized in dentistry and 2015 as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the General Hospital Vienna. He worked there until 2021 as a Senior Physician at the University Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Sebastian Pohl is partner at the Academy for Oral Implantology and owns a private practice in Lower Austria. Complementary he is specially trained in ear, nose and throat medicine and general surgery. He is a well known lecturer at the Medical University Vienna as well as at national and international congresses and meetings.

Irena Sailer (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. med. dent., Chair Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva. Honorary Skou Professor University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Irena Sailer received her dental education and Dr. med. dent. degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Germany in 1997/ 1998. In 2003 Dr. Sailer received an Assistant Professorship at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences in Zurich. From 2010 on she was an Associate Professor at the same clinic. In 2007 Dr. Sailer was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, Dental College, New York University, USA. Additionally, since 2009 she holds an Adjunct Associate Professorship at the Depart- ment of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, Robert Schat- tner Center, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (Head: Prof. Dr. M.B. Blatz). Since September 2013 she is the Head of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva. In 2019 Irena Sailer received an Honorary Skou Professorship of digital dental technologies, fixed and implant prosthodontics and biomaterials at Aarhus Univer- sity, Denmark. Irena Sailer is a Specialist for Prosthodontics (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry), and holds a Certificate of focussed activities in Dental Implantology (WBA) of the Swiss Society for Dentistry. She is a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), and of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry. Furthermore, she is a member of the Education Committee of the International Team for Implantology (ITI). Irena Sailer is an Active Fellow of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP), and currently the President Elect of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). Since beginning of 2019 Irena Sailer is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Prosthodontics. She is also the author or co-author of more than 150 peer reviewed scienti- fic manuscripts, 7 book chapters and the monograph “Fixed Restorations – a clinical guide to the selection of materials and fabrication technology” together with Prof. Bjarni Pjetursson and MDT Vincent Fehmer. She holds several patents on esthetic coatings of dental/ medical devices, and on a digital dental splint.

Ignacio Sanz Sanchez (Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master in dental sciences by the UCM. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) by the UCM. Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”. Pre-doctoral scholarship for the training of the university faculty (FPU) from the UCM 2009-2012. Publications in national and international journals. Lecturer in national and international conferences. Private practice in periodontics and dental implants. Collaborating professor of the master in periodontics and dental implants of the UCM. Coordinator of the third-year course (dental implantology). Collaborating professor of the master in restorative dentistry based on new technologies of the UCM. Coordinator of the periodontology and dental implantology sections. Associated Professor of Periodontics in the UCM. Member from the SEPA Foundation. President of the Junior Committee of the European Association for osseointegration (EAO). Member of the Osteology Foundation Expert Council.

Andy Temmerman (Belgium)
is asscociate professor at the KUL. He teaches head & neck anatomy in the undergraduate dentistrycurriculum and various topics in the postgraduate Periodontology curriculum. He published 30+ scientific papers in peer-re-viewed journals and various chapters in textbooks. He functions as a referee for various journals. Since 2009 he works in a private clinic (ParoPlus, Aalst). This clinic focusses totally on periodontology and implant dentisty.

Wim Teughels (Belgium)
is full professor at the KUL and head of the research group for Periodontology and Oral Microbiology. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy. He published more than 180 publications in international journals and more than 10 chapters in books. In 2012, Prof. Teughels became an associate editor for the Journal of Perio- dontal Research and an associate editor for the “Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology” textbook.