Consensus Conference Committee
Our vision
“to enhance understanding of key clinical topics by bringing together global experts to establish a consensus, then to share the findings in novel formats that are accessible to both the dental profession and the public.“

Frank Schwarz (Germany)
Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Periodontology 2000, Clinical Oral Implants Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.
Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Periodontology 2000, Clinical Oral Implants Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.

Nikolaos Donos (United Kingdom)
Professor Nikos Donos is the Director of Research, Professor & Chair of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Director of Clinical Research, Director of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Prof. Donos is also the Director of the ITI scholarship Centre and the Director of the Osteology Research Scholarship Centre, both at QMUL.
Professor Nikos Donos is the Director of Research, Professor & Chair of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Director of Clinical Research, Director of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Elena Figuero (Spain)
– Full-Professor in Periodontology. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and International Affairs. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– Co-director of the postgraduate program “Expert on Periodontal clinic” (Director: M. Sanz). Faculty of Dentistry, UCM, Madrid, Spain
– Full-Professor in Periodontology. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and International Affairs. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain

Ulrike Kuchler (Austria)
Ulrike Kuchler is an Associate Professor and senior surgeon at the Department of Oral Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna, University Clinic of Dentistry and works in private practice in Vienna. In 2011 she received an ITI Scholarship being involved in the clinical and research activities at the Department of Oral surgery and stomatology at the University of Bern, which she continued for another 3 years.
Ulrike Kuchler is an Associate Professor and senior surgeon at the Department of Oral Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna, University Clinic of Dentistry and works in private practice in Vienna. In 2011 she received an ITI Scholarship being involved in the clinical and research activities at the Department of Oral surgery and stomatology at the University of Bern, which she continued for another 3 years.

Alberto Monje (Spain)
Dr. Alberto Monje obtained the certificate and Masters in Periodontology from the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. Since them, he is certified by the American Board of Periodontics. He was the recipient of the ITI Scholarship at the University of Bern (Switzerland). Dr. Alberto Monje is PhD in the field of alveolar bone architecture granted by the University of Granada (Spain).
Dr. Alberto Monje obtained the certificate and Masters in Periodontology from the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. Since them, he is certified by the American Board of Periodontics.

Eik Schiegnitz (Germany)
PD Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz is Head of the Division of Implantology at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Mainz, Germany. He obtained his medical degree (2009) and thesis (Dr. med., 2010) from the University of Giessen and his dental degree (2013) and thesis (Dr. med. dent., 2015) from the University of Mainz. In 2008 he received his degree as Bachelor of Health Sciences (Riedlingen, Germany).
PD Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz is Head of the Division of Implantology at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Mainz, Germany. He obtained his medical degree (2009) and thesis (Dr. med., 2010) from the University of Giessen and his dental degree (2013) and thesis (Dr. med. dent., 2015) from the University of Mainz.

Wim Teughels (Belgium)
He is full professor at the KUL and head of the research group for Periodontology and Oral Microbiology. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy. He published more than 180 publications in international journals and more than 10 chapters in books.
He is full professor at the KUL and head of the research group for Periodontology and Oral Microbiology. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy. He published more than 180 publications in international journals and more than 10 chapters in books.

Leonardo Trombelli (Italy)
Full Professor and Chair, Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara. Director, Research Center for the Study of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases, University of Ferrara (1999-present). Assistant Professor at Advanced Education Program in Periodontics and Implant Surgery, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California (USA) (1995-2004). Director, Dental Clinic, University Hospital, Ferrara (2013-present). Director Primary Care Department, Azienda Sanitaria di Ferrara (2021-22).
Full Professor and Chair, Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara. Director, Research Center for the Study of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases, University of Ferrara (1999-present). Assistant Professor at Advanced Education Program in Periodontics and Implant Surgery, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California (USA) (1995-2004).

Hom-Lay Wang (USA)
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan. He has co-editor 3 textbooks, published 60 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 800 scientific articles. Dr. Wang currently serves as a member of Task Force as Future Science Strategy for the AAP, President of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO). Dr. Wang is a Diplomate and a Former Chair and Director of the American Board of Periodontology.
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan. He has co-editor 3 textbooks, published 60 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 800 scientific articles.


Frank Schwarz (Germany)
Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Periodontology 2000, Clinical Oral Implants Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Osseointegration – EAO, Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation, and Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI). He was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.

Nikolaos Donos (United Kingdom)
Professor Nikos Donos is the Director of Research, Professor & Chair of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Director of Clinical Research, Director of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Prof. Donos is also the Director of the ITI scholarship Centre and the Director of the Osteology Research Scholarship Centre, both at QMUL.
In 2009, Professor Donos has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry in Hong Kong, in 2012 the title of Adjunct Professor at the Dental School, Griffith University in Australia, in 2015 the title of Honorary Professor at UCL-Eastman Dental Institute and in 2019 the title of Honorary Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Australia.
In 2011, Professor Donos was awarded the prestigious International Association for Dental Research (IADR)-Periodontology Group Award in Periodontal Regenerative Medicine and in 2019 the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Clinical Research Award for his contribution as co-author for “outstanding published scientific manuscript with direct clinical relevance and application to the practice of periodontics”. In 2004, Professor Donos received the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO)- Basic Science Research Award.
Professor Donos is a past President of the British Society of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (BSP) (2020) and is a board member at the Osteology Foundation- Switzerland as well as the Academic Representative at the Committee of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI)(UK).
Professor Donos is involved as editorial board member in international peer-reviewed journals in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry where he has published more than 250 scientific publications.

Elena Figuero (Spain)
– Full-Professor in Periodontology. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and International Affairs. Faculty of Dentistry, University Complutense Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain
– Co-director of the postgraduate program “Expert on Periodontal clinic” (Director: M. Sanz). Faculty of Dentistry, UCM, Madrid, Spain
– Director of the postgraduate program “Research methodology on Dentistry”. Faculty of Dentistry, UCM, Madrid, Spain
– Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology
– Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation of the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA)
– Treasurer of EuroPerio 11. European Federation of Periodontology. 2025. Wien (Austria).
– Member of the Osteology Foundation Expert Council
– ETEP (Etiology and Therapy on Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases) Research Group. This research group is officially recognized by the Spanish Government and is directed by Prof. Mariano Sanz and Prof. David Herrera.
Links for identifications:

Ulrike Kuchler (Austria)
Ulrike Kuchler is an Associate Professor and senior surgeon at the Department of Oral Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna, University Clinic of Dentistry and works in private practice in Vienna. In 2011 she received an ITI Scholarship being involved in the clinical and research activities at the Department of Oral surgery and stomatology at the University of Bern, which she continued for another 3 years. In 2015 she finalized her „Habilitation“ (venia legendi) and got a position as Associate Professor at the Medical University of Vienna 2016. Ulrike Kuchler lectures in the field of oral surgery and implantology. Her field of research and expertise includes bone regeneration, risk factors, systemic disease and the implementation of new technologies in oral surgery and implantology. For her scientific achievements she received several national and international awards. She is involved in international and national societies: Since years she actively contributes to EAO activities, holds a position as ITI Studyclub coordinator in Austria, is a member of the WHO Focus group on artificial intelligence for health (Topic group dentistry; Subtopic Oral Surgery). She is an active member of the Austrian dental society (ÖGZMK), Austrian Implant Society (position international delegate) member of the Austrian Society of Bone and Mineral Research.

Alberto Monje (Spain)
Dr. Alberto Monje obtained the certificate and Masters in Periodontology from the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. Since them, he is certified by the American Board of Periodontics. He was the recipient of the ITI Scholarship at the University of Bern (Switzerland). Dr. Alberto Monje is PhD in the field of alveolar bone architecture granted by the University of Granada (Spain). He holds a private practice exclusive in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry (CICOM Periodoncia). He is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Periodontics of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), and Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). Monje is Visiting Professor at the Department of Periodontology of the University of Bern (Switzerland). Dr. Monje is Associate Editor of “Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research” and section editor of “Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry” and “International Journal of Oral Implantology”. He is the co-editor of the book edited by Quintessence “Unfolding Peri-Implantitis”. Dr. Monje has published extensively in the field of peri-implantitis.

Eik Schiegnitz (Germany)
PD Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz is Head of the Division of Implantology at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Mainz, Germany. He obtained his medical degree (2009) and thesis (Dr. med., 2010) from the University of Giessen and his dental degree (2013) and thesis (Dr. med. dent., 2015) from the University of Mainz. In 2008 he received his degree as Bachelor of Health Sciences (Riedlingen, Germany). In 2020 he obtained the Master of Science Implantology and Parodontology at the University of Witten/Herdecke. Since 2020 he is Spokesman of the Leadership-Team of the National Osteology Group Germany. Since 2021 he is Board Member of the DGI (German Society of Implantology) and since 2022 he is Chief-Editor of the International Journal of Implant Dentistry (IJID). Since 2023 he is Education Delegate of the Leadership-Team ITI Germany.

Wim Teughels (Belgium)
He is full professor at the KUL and head of the research group for Periodontology and Oral Microbiology. His teaching obligations consist of a variety of subjects within the field of Periodontology and Human Anatomy. He published more than 180 publications in international journals and more than 10 chapters in books. In 2012, Prof. Teughels became an associate editor for the Journal of Perio- dontal Research and an associate editor for the “Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology” textbook.

Leonardo Trombelli (Italy)
Full Professor and Chair, Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Ferrara. Director, Research Center for the Study of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases, University of Ferrara (1999-present). Assistant Professor at Advanced Education Program in Periodontics and Implant Surgery, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California (USA) (1995-2004). Director, Dental Clinic, University Hospital, Ferrara (2013-present). Director Primary Care Department, Azienda Sanitaria di Ferrara (2021-22). Dean, Dental School, University of Ferrara (2013-16). President, Medical School, University of Ferrara (2014-2016). Past President of the Italian Society of Osseointegration (2007-2009). Active member of Italian Society of Periodontology, Italian Academy of Osseointegration, International Association for Dental Research. Editorial Board member for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (2000-present), Journal of Dental Research (2018-2023), He is co-author of 192 papers (PubMed database) with a H-index=46, 2 textbooks and 10 textbook chapters. He was actively involved in the formulation of the 2018 Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions as well as the recent Clinical Practice Guidelines for the treatment of Stage I-III periodontitis (2020), stage IV periodontitis (2022) and Peri-implant Diseases (2023). His private practice is limited to Periodontology and Oral Surgery.

Hom-Lay Wang (United States of America)
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan. He has co-editor 3 textbooks, published 60 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 800 scientific articles. Dr. Wang currently serves as a member of Task Force as Future Science Strategy for the AAP, President of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO). Dr. Wang is a Diplomate and a Former Chair and Director of the American Board of Periodontology. He serves as a Co-Editor-in-Chief for CIDRR, an Associate Editor for IJOMI, IJOI , Section Editors for JERD and Editorial Board member for JP, IJOS, JCP, COIR, IJPRD, Periodontology 2000, and many others.
Dr. Wang is the recipient of many awards/honors such as Morton L. Perel Annual Award for Dental Implant Educator (2007), ITI Andre Schroeder Research Prize (2014), AAP Outstanding Educator Award (2017), AAP Distinguished Scientist Award (2017), ADEA William J. Gies Annual Periodontology Award for Outstanding Periodontal Educator (2018), AAP Master Clinician Award (2019), AAP Distinguished Service Award (2021), AAP Clinical Research Award (2021), and R. Earl Robinson Periodontal Regeneration Award (2023).