Education Committee
Our vision
“To create new educational opportunities for EAO members and the wider dental community, reflecting the association’s fundamental commitment to education at all levels.“

Helena Francisco (Portugal)
PhD, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine; Master, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine.
Postgraduate Certificate in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from New York University College of Dentistry, New York – USA; Assistant Professor at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon;
Co-Coordinator of the Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Pos-graduate Program at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon;
PhD, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine; Master, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine.
Postgraduate Certificate in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from New York University College of Dentistry, New York – USA; Assistant Professor at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon;
EAO ADVISORS (to be updated)

Hadi Antoun. (France)
Dr. Hadi Antoun obtained his diploma in Dental Surgery in Lyon, a graduate certificate in Histology, Embryology and Periodontology (Paris VII), then a postgraduate in Surgical and Prosthetic Implantology (Paris 7). Dr Antoun has occupied a clinical assistant position at the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology of Paris 7, is a visiting professor at Saint Joseph University, Beirut and has a private practice in Periodontology and Implantology in Paris.

Georg Mailath-Pokorny Jr. (Austria)
Georg Mailath-Pokorny Jr. works at the Academy of Oral Implantology with focus on oral surgery and implantology. He is Head of operation and organization of the “Study Club 4 Students”. Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. is a specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery and serves as a lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Georg Mailath-Pokorny Jr. works at the Academy of Oral Implantology with focus on oral surgery and implantology. He is Head of operation and organization of the “Study Club 4 Students”. Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. is a specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery and serves as a lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Henny Meijer (Netherlands)
Henny Meijer became a dentist in 1988 after graduating at the Dental School from the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. He finished his thesis, titled “A biomechanical study on bone around dental implants in an edentulous mandible” at the University of Utrecht in 1992. From 1992-2000 he was full-time working as a prosthodontist at the Department of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral-Maxillofacial Prosthetics at the University Medical Center Groningen.
Henny Meijer became a dentist in 1988 after graduating at the Dental School from the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. He finished his thesis, titled “A biomechanical study on bone around dental implants in an edentulous mandible” at the University of Utrecht in 1992.

Eduardo Montero (Spain)
Degree in Dentistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Master of Science in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (UCM); Certificate of Completion of Specialised Training (CCST) in Periodontology by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP); PhD with International Mention (UCM) and Extraordinary Prize of doctorate;
Degree in Dentistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Master of Science in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (UCM); Certificate of Completion of Specialised Training (CCST) in Periodontology by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP);

Sven Mühlemann (Switzerland)
Sven Mühlemann maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implantology in Zurich. After graduation cum laude in 2006, he worked as a full-time associate in a private practice in Zurich. Thereafter, he completed a 3-year postgraduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Zurich in 2013.
He was the recipient of an ITI scholarship at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA.
Sven Mühlemann maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implantology in Zurich. After graduation cum laude in 2006, he worked as a full-time associate in a private practice in Zurich. Thereafter, he completed a 3-year postgraduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Zurich in 2013.

Ignacio Sanz Sánchez (Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master in dental sciences by the UCM. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) by the UCM. Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”. Pre-doctoral scholarship for the training of the university faculty (FPU) from the UCM 2009-2012. Publications in national and international journals. Lecturer in national and international conferences.
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master in dental sciences by the UCM. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) by the UCM. Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”.

Andy Temmerman (Belgium)
He is associate professor at the KUL. He teaches head & neck anatomy in the undergraduate dentistrycurriculum and various topics in the postgraduate Periodontology curriculum. He published 30+ scientific papers in peer-re-viewed journals and various chapters in textbooks. He functions as a referee for various journals. Since 2009 he works in a private clinic (ParoPlus, Aalst). This clinic focusses totally on periodontology and implant dentisty.
He is associate professor at the KUL. He teaches head & neck anatomy in the undergraduate dentistrycurriculum and various topics in the postgraduate Periodontology curriculum. He published 30+ scientific papers in peer-re-viewed journals and various chapters in textbooks.

Ferruccio Torsello (Italy)
Ferruccio Torsello graduated in Dentistry from the Catholic University of Rome and successfully completed the postgraduate program in Orthodontics. Dr. Torsello also completed a master’s program in Periodontics and Implant dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome and the PhD.
He has participated to several multicenter studies, he is author/co-author of more than 30 papers published in International peer-reviewed journals and of a book chapter.
Ferruccio Torsello graduated in Dentistry from the Catholic University of Rome and successfully completed the postgraduate program in Orthodontics. Dr. Torsello also completed a master’s program in Periodontics and Implant dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome and the PhD.

Nele van Assche (Belgium)
Nele Van Assche graduated as dentist at the Catholic University of Leuven (2002) and finished her training in periodontology at the department of Periodontology (2005). In 2011 she defended her PhD on procedures that could facilitate implant therapy (promoter Prof. M. Quirynen). Her research deals mainly with GBR, the influence of implant surface characteristics on biofilm formation, and the accuracy of surgical guides.
Nele Van Assche graduated as dentist at the Catholic University of Leuven (2002) and finished her training in periodontology at the department of Periodontology (2005). In 2011 she defended her PhD on procedures that could facilitate implant therapy (promoter Prof. M. Quirynen).

Duygu Yaman (Türkiye)
Duygu Yaman is an Associate Professor at the Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. She received her DDS from Istanbul University in 1998, and her PhD from Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology in 2004.
She was an ITI Scholar at the University of Zurich, Center of Dental Medicine, Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, between 2004-2005.
Duygu Yaman is an Associate Professor at the Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. She received her DDS from Istanbul University in 1998, and her PhD from Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology in 2004.


Helena Francisco (Portugal)
PhD, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine;
Master, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine
Postgraduate Certificate in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from New York University College of Dentistry, New York – USA
Assistant Professor at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon;
Co-Coordinator of the Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Pos-graduate Program at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon;
Associate Editor of the Portuguese Journal of Stomatology, Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery;
Chair of of Junior Committee of the European Association for Osseointegration
Chair of the Education Program Subcommittee of the European Association for Osseointegration
President of the Dennis Tarnow Alumni Association
Author and co-author of several communications, posters and other national and international publications.
Private Pratice – Instituto Implantologia Lisbon, Portugal

Hadi Antoun. (France)
Dr. Hadi Antoun obtained his diploma in Dental Surgery in Lyon, a graduate certificate in Histology, Embryology and Periodontology (Paris VII), then a postgraduate in Surgical and Prosthetic Implantology (Paris 7). Dr Antoun has occupied a clinical assistant position at the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology of Paris 7, is a visiting professor at Saint Joseph University, Beirut and has a private practice in Periodontology and Implantology in Paris. Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, he is the author of several publications and a book on sinus grafts. Invited to numerous conferences, he is involved in clinical research studies focusing on immediate loading and bone augmentations. He founded and runs the Institute for Advanced Implant Surgery Training (IFCIA).

Georg Mailath Jr. (Austria)
Georg Mailath-Pokorny Jr. works at the Academy of Oral Implantology with focus on oral surgery and implantology. He is Head of operation and organization of the “Study Club 4 Students”. Georg Mailath-Pokorny jr. is a specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery and serves as a lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. In 2019 he won the clinical video Competition of the EAO Congress Lisboa Georg Mailath Pokorny jr. is Board Member of the “Next Generation“ of the Austrian Association of Implantology, he is a speaker at many national and international congresses and training courses.

Henny Meijer (Netherland)
Henny Meijer became a dentist in 1988 after graduating at the Dental School from the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. He finished his thesis, titled “A biomechanical study on bone around dental implants in an edentulous mandible” at the University of Utrecht in 1992. From 1992-2000 he was full-time working as a prosthodontist at the Department of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral-Maxillofacial Prosthetics at the University Medical Center Groningen. From 2001 -2006 he was working part-time as an Associate Professor at the Dental School in Groningen. Since 2006 he is Professor in Implant Prosthodontics. Henny Meijer is full-time working in the field of dental implants regarding treatment of patients, research and education. From 1999 to 2009 he was member of the board of the Dutch Society of Oral Implantology and since 2010 he is honorary member of this society. Since 2012 he is member of the Certification Committee of the European Association for Osseointegration.

Eduardo Montero (Spain)
Degree in Dentistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM); Master of Science in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (UCM); Certificate of Completion of Specialised Training (CCST) in Periodontology by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP); PhD with International Mention (UCM) and Extraordinary Prize of doctorate; Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics in Health Sciences and Master in Research Methodology, University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB); Associate Professor of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry (UCM).

Sven Mühlemann (Switzerland)
Sven Mühlemann maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implantology in Zurich. After graduation cum laude in 2006, he worked as a full-time associate in a private practice in Zurich. Thereafter, he completed a 3-year postgraduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Zurich in 2013.
He was the recipient of an ITI scholarship at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA. Beteween 2014 and 2021, he was a full-time Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry in Zurich. He is a Swiss-certified specialist of Reconstructive Dentistry and in Oral Implantology.
Since 2019, he is the president of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology, and an ITI fellow. Between 2016-2020 he was a member of the Junior Committee of the European Associsation for Osseointetration (EAO). In 2019 he won the EAO Prize for Clinical Research in Prosthetics. He has lectured extensively in Europe, has more than 40 peer-reviewed publications on clinical research, and serves as a reviewer for COIR, IJP, CLOI, and JJOD.

Andy Temmerman (Belgium)
He is associate professor at the KUL. He teaches head & neck anatomy in the undergraduate dentistrycurriculum and various topics in the postgraduate Periodontology curriculum. He published 30+ scientific papers in peer-re-viewed journals and various chapters in textbooks. He functions as a referee for various journals. Since 2009 he works in a private clinic (ParoPlus, Aalst). This clinic focusses totally on periodontology and implant dentisty.

Ferruccio Torsello (Italy)
Ferruccio Torsello graduated in Dentistry from the Catholic University of Rome and successfully completed the postgraduate program in Orthodontics.
Dr. Torsello also completed a master’s program in Periodontics and Implant dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome and the PhD.
He has participated to several multicenter studies, he is author/co-author of more than 30 papers published in International peer-reviewed journals and of a book chapter. He regularly lectures at national and international congresses. He has received several awards such as the Italian ITI Speakers Competition and the Goldman Award from Italian Society of Periodontology.
He worked for 13 years as clinical researcher at the Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry of Eastman Dental Hospital in Roma.
Dr Torsello has served on the Junior Committee of the European Association of Osseointegration, has participated in two EAO consensus conferences and is currently member of the EAO diploma committee.
He is currently co-owner of two multidisciplinary dental offices where he is responsible of the Orthodontic and Implant departments.

Nele van Assche (Belgium)
Nele Van Assche graduated as dentist at the Catholic University of Leuven (2002) and finished her training in periodontology at the department of Periodontology (2005). In 2011 she defended her PhD on procedures that could facilitate implant therapy (promoter Prof. M. Quirynen). Her research deals mainly with GBR, the influence of implant surface characteristics on biofilm formation, and the accuracy of surgical guides. She published as (co)-author full papers in international peer-reviewed journals and she regularly lectures at (inter)national congresses.
In 2006 she participated at the State of Science in Implant Dentistry of the Academy of osseointegration in Chicago and was involved in several EAO and EFP consensus conferences.
She was an active member of the scientific committee of the Belgian society of periodontology and was involved in the EAO junior committee from 2011 until 2016. In 2015 she became member of the Experts Counsil of the Osteology Foundation.
In 2007, she started private practice (limited to periodontology and implant treatment) in Geel (Belgium).

Duygu Yaman (Tokelau)
Duygu Yaman is an Associate Professor at the Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. She received her DDS from Istanbul University in 1998, and her PhD from Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology in 2004.
She was an ITI Scholar at the University of Zurich, Center of Dental Medicine, Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, between 2004-2005. Following her work as a periodontist at a private dental hospital, she joined Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology as a Research Assistant in 2009. She received her Associate Professorship in 2015 and continues to teach and work at the same institution.
She has been a board member of the Association of Osseintegration Academy (OSSEDER) since 2019, a member of the Education Committee of Chamber of Dentists of Istanbul since 2023, was an ITI Fellow between 2010-2022, and was the ITI Istanbul Study Club Officer between 2010-2014. As a clinical academician, she has been a lecturer in various national and international conferences in periodontology, taught workshops in implantology, and has published several papers in clinical periodontology and implantology.

Ignacio Sanz Sánchez (Spain)
Degree in dentistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Master in dental sciences by the UCM. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) by the UCM. Certificate: “The Board in periodontology of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology”. Pre-doctoral scholarship for the training of the university faculty (FPU) from the UCM 2009-2012. Publications in national and international journals. Lecturer in national and international conferences. Private practice in periodontics and dental implants. Collaborating professor of the master in periodontics and dental implants of the UCM. Coordinator of the third-year course (dental implantology). Collaborating professor of the master in restorative dentistry based on new technologies of the UCM. Coordinator of the periodontology and dental implantology sections. Associated Professor of Periodontics in the UCM. Member from the SEPA Foundation. President of the Junior Committee of the European Association for osseointegration (EAO). Member of the Osteology Foundation Expert Council.